Inferiority Complex has grown through many stages. I was, by no means, one of the first people to have a homepage on the Web, coming in a good 2 years after the orginal personal sites began appearing. Ah, back in the heady days of the blink tag and horizontal dividing bars. It was a beautiful thing.

Tools began to get better, as did the browsers, and HTML was given life with Javascript and CSS, both which pepper this site extensively. Ah, yes. That reminds me. I have to build a non-dynamic alternate site. Yeah, yeah.. I know, everything should degrade nicely, but it's just easier to build another page that won't blow up on people using browsers from 1997 than to satisfy everyone with a single page.

So, uh, about this site. Over there in the right hand side you see a logo, like so:

Clicking on this will bring you back to today's (or at least the latest) 'Main' entry. Currenctly, this is a selection from the 'Cogitate' section.

Below the logo are a bunch of letters. This is the main navigation, and it will bring you to the main sections of the site, which are currently:

The rest of the selection you can make are in the upper right, like so: